21 Jan 2012

Bio Budak Sengalsss !

 Assalamualaikum . So my name is Nur Alyssa Bt Mohd Nasir :) 7 Oct 1997 :) Dentist : Isyaallah  . Pray for me :) Study everywhere :) Kuantanians :) Forever Young :) Love Dancing , Party *with my muhrim :p* :) Sometimes I love to make my own poem :) Ya . Because life make me live :) The poem created by my own imagination . Bla . Bla . Bla . Dreaming :) Surfing :) Crazy :) Enjoying :) Shopping :) I love friend :)  Thats all from me :) So know this Budak Sewelssss with reading hers blog ! Tatatata :)

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