14 Mar 2012

sad story,

for my dearest princess and prince let's read this sad story about friendship,,,
this story be created by me,,,,
enjoy reading,,,

lily and romeo are bestfriend since they were small,,,
they share everything together,,,,
no one can separate them,,,,

when lily cry theres romeo on her side
also for romeo when he sad theres lily always next to him,
lily is small girl who always be bully by naughty girl,,
but romeo always beside her,,,

one day,romeo is helping his sport teacher at store,,
that is the chance for the naughty girl bully lily,,,

when they push lily,,
a boy came pull lily head and
kiss her cheek,,
"she's mine and go away from her"
after that all the girl feel so shy and go away from them,,,
"hey i'm leo"
"what a beautiful name,so that beautiful face,,and now i'm fall in love with you"
"thank you for save me just now"
"out for lunch?"
"okay"said lily with a big smile,,,

the bell ring,,
romeo wait for lily as usual in front of the school to go back together,,
"hey lily come,"
"put out your hand from me,,"
"u're not save me,,,and u're selfish"
"i hate you and go away from my life,,,u're not my friend anymore,,go!!!"
"lily,,i'm sorry and seriously i don't know anything,,i'm sorry"
"i'm going back with leo"
lily left romeo alone without any chance

start that day,

lily always beside leo,,
they are such a cute couple,,

leo had replace romeo place cause when lily sad leo always beside her,,,
but romeo always see the hapiness of lily from his balcony,,,

and he will be too sad cause he had lost lily,,,,
and he is misssing lily too much,,,,,

one day romeo family is going for a holiday
romeo is the driver of the car
on their way
leo and lily pass  in front of the car,,,
romeo need to brake to safe leo and lily life
but his brake make the car slipping until the car crush lorry,,,
all in the car are rushing to the hospital,,,

at the hospital,,,,
romeo awake from his fainted,,,,
the doctor came and check his body and ask him to relax,,,,
His aunt came visit him,,,
"aunt moll,where's my others family,,"
"romeo please be calm,,,,i have a bad news,,"
"t,,tell me aunt moll,,,"
"your family had pass away,,,i'm sorry to hear that"
"can u leave me alone aunt moll,,,"
"why???why this happen to me???"
"why you all are gone away from my life,,,i don't have anyone right now,,,don't,,,don't leave me alone please,,,i'm begging,,,too begging,,,don't leave me alone,,,why all of people that i love go away from me,,,mom,,dad,,larry,,mac,,,and lily,,,why????don't leave me alone,,,,"cry romeo
then romeo fainted
After 5 minutes,aunt moll enter the room,,,
aunt moll felt pity to him,,,,
so she call lily,,,
but she not aware that romeo had awake from his fainted,,,
"hello,,aunt,,,why are u calling me???"
"hey,,,romeo is in the hospital,,,he had accident,,,all his family gone away,,so came visit him,,,you're his best friend right??so you need to be beside him right now???he's not in normal condition right now???"
"oo,,,pity ,,but i don't have time to be there,,,sorry"right through she put her phone
aunt moll too shock,,,,
romeo cry inside his deep heart,,,,
the next day romeo can go out from the hospital,,,
on romeo way,,
he saw leo and lily eating ice cream together,,
and he just happy to lily hapiness,,,,

one day,,
he see lily and leo fighting,,,,
he just see,,can't do anything because he is not anyone in lily life,,,
he saw lily cry,,,
he was too sad,,,,
if he are at leo place,he will take care of lily properly,,,,
he will be the best for lily,,,,
but lily had throw him away,,,,
suddenly he saw,,,,

lily slap leo,,,,
then leo push lily until lily fall,,,
romeo quickly go to lily,,,
"hey,are you okay,,"
"go away from me,,,,"cry lily
"i'm sorry,,,i know,,i'm not anyone in your life but can you put your sadness on my shoulder,,,i don't want to see you sad,,,u can throw me,,,,but don't cry,,please,,,"
"why,,,why you are too kind too me,,"
"because you're only my bestfriend,,,"
"i've had throw you without any strong reason,,,i left you alone,,,and,,and i'm not going to you when you are alone,,,,,i'm sorry,,,,so,,sorry,,,"
"hey,,,i just want you back,,,i don't want to see you sad,,,i hate to see that,,,,you are only my bestfriend that can't be replace,,,,"
"can i be your bestfriend again???"
"yes,,,thank you lily,,,,i miss you lily"cry romeo

-the end-

-appreciate your friend-

sorry,,,, :)

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