13 Aug 2013

Sad :')

I dont know what have i done to you
Till you maybe break our friendship .

Dear ,
I just want you .
I miss you although maybe our friendship have broke .
I still love you .
I still want you as my friend .

I am so sorry
What i have done to you ?
Please tell me !
I will do anything ,
To make our friendship happen again .
Please baby .
Im begging .
Hit me ,
Punch me ,
But please ,
You cant broke the relationship of us .
You can't , babe .
Begging on you .
Please .
I love you much .

I have no idea on what happen between us ,
But i knew i had did something wrong .
So ,
Please tell me .
I can change in a second for you .
I will do anything .
Please .

I sent you message but you didnt reply it .
I call but you didnt answer it .
I write on your wall on facebook but you ignore it .
I write your name for username on my twitter but you didnt see it .
I  dont know what would i do more , baby.

I miss you much .
I scare our relationship will no longer exist in this world .
I just have your picture and some video .
I just have your memory .
But I dont have YOU !
I want you .

Why you avoid yourself from me ?
Why you dont want meet me , even once ?
Why you did this to me ?
I miss you much !

My nightmares are ussually is losing you ,
I just  want you .
I dont want to force myself to forget you .
It is the worst thing .
I love you .
I miss you .

I did not tell our problem to anyone  ,
I know we can handle it by ourself  ,
But now its been 3 month we never talk to each other ,
I dont know what I can do more ,
I dont know how can handle this .

Before this you are the only one who hear my problem ,
You are the one  who fix the problem back ,
But after three month you gone ,
I dont know what to do .
I dont know who can hear my problem ,
I dont know who I can believe as I believe you ,
I cant do anything without you .
I really need you , baby .
I really miss you .

I will never forget you .
But if you do happy when I forget you .
I will do .
I will do for your happiness .
In front of you , I will act as I forget you .
Just for your happiness
But deep inside me ,

I will not forget you
You had make my life AMAZING ,
You had make my dream REAL ,
You had make BEST MEMORY for me ,
You are EVERYTHING to me .
I really love you .
I really need you .
And I am really miss you , baby !

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