21 Mar 2014


        I stand by myself , again . I always fall every time its all about her . And again I will stand searching for some strength . Hope . Its the only things stronger than fear . After all the darkness comes and push me down , there will always comes light . With all the darkness came , I can see the true colour of friends . I can see all the ion charge in their heart . I can see everything . Everything .
Now , I'm coming with my own strength searching for a thing call " LIFE " . Before this , I live in coward . I had lived in the dark . Dark . I cant see anything . But with all my true friends help , Im awake . I had stopped pushing myself into the darkness . And I try to pull in the  light . I can see everything bright about me . All the chance in front of me . Its better than stay in the darkness . I realize something about dark and light . What could make they different ? Obviously , different . Its about how we feel . Its not about how we see . I cant see anything in the dark but I can feel all the dark feeling . All the negative ion and charge . I can feel it although I cant see it . In light I can see everything . Bads and goods mix together . And thats what we called life . That is life . We cant separate bads and goods , but we can choose our life path .

            So , I pretend not to be sad in front others although I still cant forget her . I still . But I will try not to forget her but set my mind that she is nothing to me . Thats all . I have a lot friends . A lot . I cant see them because of her . I close my mind that " I am loner " because of her . But truth is everyone is my friends . I should not care about her since she forget me . I dont regret at all because all of this experience taught me some value . All life things . Allthe darkness things . So now on , I can always go on with my life . Will always . What I can say now is dont care about the past , care about what you have in front . Dont waste it. Let the past go . Let it go . When you stop chasing the wrong thing ,you give the right things a chance to catch you .Hapiness often sneaks in a door you did not thinks was open . So please , open our eyes . Stop believing that past is better than now . Stay strong with all those jerks things . Step foward and dont ever look back . Even its difficult but we would be happy . Im not joking . Life is easy if you could realize things easily . Sometimes the hardest thing and the right things are the same .What would I say now is I can live without you in my life anymore . I dont need you . You are nothing for me . Thanks friend you give me something to feel about the darkness and this is my life . I choose to let you go and step foward . :)

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