26 May 2014

That was not long ago story

Bear you give me before :)

I know , it was a long ago story . But one thing you need to know is I miss to hug you . I miss the way we used to be gossiping every second about others . I used to miss the  way we laughing loudly to someone . I miss the way we used to sleep together . The way you company me whenever I cant sleep . The way you hug me tight . The way you cried on my shoulder . The way everything you are . The way you and me create the memory together  . And I dont know how to express it now because no one want to hear that story anymore . They said it was long ago . So I should forget and dont keep my mind replaying that memory . But for me it wasn't old . I still can feel that moment . I can feel it . I cant forget it . People keep saying I was in my world that cannot accept you dont want to be my bestfriend anymore . Yes . I dont want to accept it . And I cant ! I cant ! Please understand me :'( .
Please . Maybe you annoyed with me . Maybe you dont like the way I miss you but ive tried stop before . Tried to stop missing you . Tried to let you go . Tried everything to make you happy . But that was not easy to forget the one that give me so much to remember . I want the old you back . Please come back .Please .

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