22 Nov 2013

Again :'(

I dont know what to say , again .
It feel terible again .
How I feel tonight is something .
It just how hard to forget someone .
I dont know why after I try to forget her .
I cant do that .
I am serious no one can feel what I feel now .
I told my friend , but all just easy say .
They not feel it .
What I need to do more .
What can I do is just writting .
I dont know how long this must be through .
Seriously , its pain .
Much .
Its not easy to ignore you .
You make me feel I am a LONER .
I love you . Now I dont know what to say . I love you .
You are everything .
I met you just now at twitter ,
We talk like stranger .
At first I just want to shut my mouth up and not spoil your mood .
I just want to stalk you .
But , my feeling of miss you cant be control .
So I talk to you without mentioning your name .
But again I say we like stranger and
You end our conversation again .
I am sorry .
I had spoil your mood .
Sorry its just because I cant control my feeling of missing you .
I am sorry .
Because I miss you too much .
How sad I am .
I cant miss you much because with this feeling maybe I spoil your day .
my heart hurt .
Dont know to tell who .
No one understand .
How can I stay with this feeling .
How ?
This is my fate .
Am I a loner ?
Am I a sad story ?

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