27 May 2014

Pistanthrophobia :/

Please dont judge me . The thing I want to say is I scared to trust . I want to , but I cant . I dont know what to say but I am Pistanthrophobia . It means the fear of trusting someone . Sometimes I fell like I know I can trust you . Im just afraid of Ill keep telling you my problem s and you will get annoyed and leave me . Yes . That what sometimes I feel about trust . It was also harder for me to trust boy . I am really sorry , but I am surround by people being throw up by boyfriend and else . So I scare . A lot . I feel scared to trust . Thats the truth . And I am really sorry :/

1 comment:

  1. The situation is very confusing, I think you should take some advice to experts, or if you don't want to meet anyone so you should live with your family and spend lots of time, definitely your family will always be with you and you will soon recover in this situation.
