28 May 2014

Never Give Up :)

I used to miss her . I used to like somebody . I used to scared to trust on somebody . And evrything I used to do is what I call life . I am bigger now . Maybe matured enough . So the thing is I had through many dramas , scene in my life . The happy and the sad one . What make me stay is I wll never gives up till the end . I believe in god .He the one that knew me better than I am . He planne dmy life . So He knew I can through it . Yup . I always fall . But why should I give up ? I will never give up . Yes , Im crying everytime I fall . Crying does not mean Im giving up but I just want to release it . For me it is the best way for me to stay strong . Everytime I fall , I learned something . That thing will taught me to not fall again for the same reason . Yea . Thats is teh only reason why I choose to never give up . Never give up on everything because He has a good plan for me . He knew me better than myself . That what I trust . So , I just need to stay strong and never give up . xoxoxoxo

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