22 Jan 2015

College Girl

MADPP a.k.a Mara American Degree Preparatory Programme . There I go . I continued my studies here where I need to have my foundation at this KKTM , Ledang , Johor . Next year I will insyaallah fly to US . Pray my luck . I dont have any passion in telling the MADPP in this blog . What would I tell today is about my turning world . Ive been in hostel with all those bullshit rules for 5 years . I used with all those hostel situation and rules . But as I step in here all those teacher's words are true . Really . No one would care about us anymore . Even the warden have their own bussiness . No more rules , no more insoection , no more surau . NO MORE . And i feel such a freedom girl . But i knew this is not tha right way . My world turn . I need to get my self alone and to make all te normal thing i do alone .I need to get ready to surau by myself . No more shoting from LDP or warden . No more . Its was the best feeling when we get those freedom but actually its a dangerous way to . We could alll be easily careless . Careless in everything . To make it clear prepared yourself well . Pray for me here , So guys I need to go . Last advice is be prepare in everyway . Take a good one throw the bad one . Dont make yourself lumpy in believing all those shitty word . Explore it . Then discuss . So , goodluck :)

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